On 14-04 15:17, Chris Bookholt wrote:
After much head scratching and experimentation I found a light at the end of the tunnel. The problem is I'm stuck in the tunnel and don't seem to be getting anywhere near the light.
Stay away from the light ! It's not that bad on this side :-).
I've got SER running on a RH7.3 box (IP with pretty much default config (see ser.cfg below). There are two clients running MSN Messenger 4.6. One client is running WinXP (IP and the other is running Win2k (IP The builds of Messenger are 4.6.0073 (for XP) and 4.6.0083 (for 2k). Both MSN clients are pointed at for their "Communication Service."
When logging in, the XP client gets a password prompt as it should and can login using the proper password.
However, when logging in from the Win2k client, as soon as I click to sign in, an error message appears saying "Signing in to Communications Service failed because the service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."
Here's the ngrep output:
]root@]# ngrep -qd eth0 src or src or dst or dst
U -> REGISTER sip:team3 SIP/2.0..Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 70..From: sip:admin@team3;tag=ff832bee93744680bca56666ad7c9e0a;epid=0d50f b3ca3..To: sip:admin@team3..Call-ID: e85f11868c82477da20e852a4cb223d9@10. 3.5.3..CSeq: 1 REGISTER..Contact: sip:;methods="INVITE, MES SAGE, INFO, SUBSCRIBE, OPTIONS, BYE, CANCEL, NOTIFY, ACK, REFER"..User-Agen t: RTC/1.2.4949..Event: registration..Allow-Events: presence..Content-Lengt h: 0....
U -> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized..Via: SIP/2.0/UDP <sip:admin @team3>;tag=ff832bee93744680bca56666ad7c9e0a;epid=0d50fb3ca3..To: <sip:admi n@team3>;tag=b27e1a1d33761e85846fc98f5f3a7e58.6d83..Call-ID: e85f11868c8247 7da20e852a4cb223d9@ 1 REGISTER..WWW-Authenticate: Digest rea lm="team3", nonce="407d8acfa56dbcb713c69e56e85c6a8280e2d02d"..Server: Sip E Xpress router (0.8.12 (i386/linux))..Content-Length: 0..Warning: 392 10.3.5 .1:5060 "Noisy feedback tells: pid=15189 req_src_ip= req_src_port= 1133 in_uri=sip:team3 out_uri=sip:team3 via_cnt==1"....
My interpretation is that SER is just saying "Access denied," but I never got a chance to input a password.
The messages are correct -- Windows messenger sends a REGISTER message without digest credentials and SER says 401 Unauthorized (because the credentials are missing). As the next step Windows Messenger is supposed to ask you for username and password and re-send the REGISTER, this time including digest credentials.
The real mystery is that it works properly from my WinXP client. I've matched all the settings that I can find. I even tried changing the IP address of the Win2k client to that of the WinXP client and trying to login with the same username that worked on the XP client. Still I get the same service temp. unavailable message. I've also tried uninstalling/reinstalling Messenger 4.6 on the Win2k clients, but that didn't change anything either.
Windows messenger does not like when the digest realm is different from To/From domain, this does not seem to be the case here, but I would recommend you to try some real domain -- with dot inside, for example team3.com.
If this does not help, then try to uninstall Windows Messenger and make sure that you also uninstall all libraries (RTC ?) it is using, then try to install exactly the same version as on WinXP (if possible).
I remember that some time ago somebody (Juha ?) told me that it is possible to change some value in the register to disable the realm validation, maybe this would be worth trying (I do not know more details).