
if the certificates are deployed, be sure that the process running kamailio has privileges to read them.

You can set:


in kamailio.cfg and then run again kamailio, you should see many DEBUG messages, many from tls module that should give more hints about what happens there.


On 08.03.21 14:01, Daniel Hermann N'don wrote:
Hi guys,
I am a beginner in kamailio technology.
I want to use kamailio in secure mode with TLS.
But when I try to connect via TLS, I get this error in terminal:

Mar 08 12:29:36 KAMAILIO5 /usr/sbin/kamailio[1627]: ERROR: <core> [core/tcp_read.c:1512]: tcp_read_req(): ERROR: tcp_read_req: error reading - c: 0x7f6d71a82800 r: 0x7f6d71a828e8 (-1)

Mar 08 12:29:44 KAMAILIO5 /usr/sbin/kamailio[1629]: ERROR: tls [tls_util.h:42]: tls_err_ret(): TLS accept:error:14094416:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert certificate unknown

tls.cfg :

method = TLSv1.2+
verify_certificate = no
require_certificate = no
private_key = /etc/certs/kamailio/kamailio-key.pem
certificate = /etc/certs/kamailio/kamailio-cert.pem
ca_list = /etc/certs/demoCA/kamailio-cert.pem

I followed this tutorial to generate the ssl keys: 

Can someone please help me?

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