I have realized a serial forking with load_contacts() and next_contacts(), but i have this problem: When the first time arrive the invite messages the contacts are loaded by the function load_contacts(). So when the call flow enters in the failure_route I can load the second contact. At this point the script reload another time the contacts. But in this way Is is impossible to load the third contact, because the script load the preference of the new contact. For example: I call 309@domain.it, the script loads 309 contacts and call the fisrt: 309@domain.it 309 not answered, the scrip enters in failure route, it loads the 400@domain.it and call 400, At this moment I loads the contacts of 400@domain.it WRONG!!!!!
In which way it is possibile to load the contacts only the firt time. I hope that the problem is clear.
Best Matteo =======================================
This is my location table ============================================================
username | domain | contact | q 400 | | sip:400@ | 1.00 401 | | sip:400@ | 1.00 308 | | sip:308@ | 1.00 309 | | sip:309@;transport=udp | 1.00 309 | | sip:400@ | 0.80 309 | | sip:401@ | 0.60
.................... .................... route{ ...... ...... ......
if(load_contacts()){ xlog("L_ERR","LOAD CONTACTS!\n"); };
if(next_contacts()){ xlog("L_ERR","NEXT CONTACT!\n"); };
t_on_failure("1"); t_relay(); exit; }
route[1] { log(1,"ROUTE 1 !\n"); if (!t_relay()) { sl_reply_error(); }; exit; }
route[2] { # send it out now; use stateful forwarding as it works reliably # even for UDP2TCP log(1,"ROUTE 2 !\n"); t_on_failure("1"); if (!t_relay()) { sl_reply_error(); }; exit; }
failure_route[1] { log(1,"FAILURE ROUTE !\n"); if (t_check_status("408")){ if (next_contacts()) { log(1,"NUOVO CONTATTO !\n"); route(2); exit; }; }; exit; }
This is the output: 7(5504) LOAD CONTACTS! 7(5504) NEXT CONTACT! 14(5518) FAILURE ROUTE ! 14(5518) NUOVO CONTATTO ! 14(5518) ROUTE 2 ! 6(5502) LOAD CONTACTS! 6(5502) NEXT CONTACT!