Nevermind, I just changed the column name from "call_id" to the standard name "uuid" and load the AVPs with
avp_db_load("$ci", "*/my_table");
to get rid of the db_schema thing.
Andreas Granig wrote:
For loading all AVPs from "normal" avp tables, I can use something like this:
avp_db_load("$fu/domain", "*/domain_preferences");
But when I want to use a db schema to load AVPs belonging for example to a call_id for some sort of dialog tracking, it fails to start with the following error message:
"ERROR:avpops:parse_avp_db: inconsistent usage of DB scheme without complet specification of AVP name"
My config looks like that:
modparam("avpops","db_scheme", "my_schema:table=some_table;uuid_col=call_id;value_col=value") ... avp_db_load("$ci", "*/$my_schema");
If I put something like "$avp(i:10)" instead of the "*", it works, but then I just get this specific AVP instead of all of them.
Any idea if this is supposed to work, and if so, how?
Thanks, Andreas
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