Hi, Thanks, it's a hope, should I use DNS record with domain name instead of IP address? Maybe client wrong I run on the same PC 2 softphone
Regards, Tsitsi
SipWise Support support@sipwise.com a écrit : Hi,
Works absolutely fine here with X-Lite. Maybe your client settings are wrong?
In SIP Accounts -> Properties -> Account, for a user "foo1000@mydomain.com" with password "foo", I have these settings:
Display Name: Just Test User name: foo1000 Password: foo Authorization user name: foo1000 Domain: mydomain.com Register with domain and receive incoming calls: checked Send outbound via: target domain
Regards Andreas
Tsitsi wrote:
Hi Andreas,
Thank for your reply. Yes, this is a sipwise config.
Openser : I use Debian Sarge apt repository : deb http://www.openser.org/debian sarge main Mysql 4.1
I have set up all tables building with openser_mysql
Softphone: Windows XP and X-lite 3.0 build 34025
Regards, Tsitsi
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