On 11/24/2010 04:39 AM, Jon Bonilla (Manwe) wrote:
El Wed, 24 Nov 2010 10:15:35 +0100 Jon Bonilla (Manwe)manwe@aholab.ehu.es escribió:
El Wed, 24 Nov 2010 04:09:22 -0500 Alex Balashovabalashov@evaristesys.com escribió:
kamctl fifo get_statistics usrloc::registered_users
Looks like there's a stupid-trivial bug:
test3:~# kamctl fifo get_statistics usrloc::location-contacts dialog:location-contacts = 0
Hmmm... not for me:
diminuendo-1:/u/home/sasha# kamctl fifo get_statistics usrloc::registered_users usrloc:registered_users = 0
(Running git master HEAD ad7f00d840082989132f335914aa0db223a0e46e)
Is there any exported function or statistics to count the total number of users (not only registered ones)?
Can't you just do a SELECT count(*) FROM your 'subscriber' table?