Hi guys
I have a strange problem and i tried to work on that without any success, so i need yours help
i installed ser, freeradius-1.0.2, radiusclient-0.4.8.
I am trying to authenticate ser users through radius (mysql).
inside my ser.cfg

        if (method=="REGISTER")
                log(1, "REGISTER: Authenticating user\n");
                if (!radius_www_authorize(""))        
                        log(1, "REGISTER: challenging user\n");
                        www_challenge("", "0");
the problem that i don't see any requests coming to the radius server.
i checked the freeradius installation with radtest and it's working correctly (the authentication is going through the mysql ).
but when the register request coming to the ser server , i don't see any thing happens on the radius.
Thank you guys for any help.

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