Thanks Daniel,
Your snippet code must be used in proxy/registrar or on LB ?
The proxy/registrar should follow the same behaviour with the SBC and the lb ? Loose_route every request from sbc and dispatch request from lb to sbc ?
2018-01-30 10:51 GMT+01:00 Daniel Tryba
On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 10:22:39AM +0100, Loic Chabert wrote:
I have a setup configurered has diagram below:
UAC -> Proxy LB (proxy lb) -> Proxy Router/registrar (proxy B) ->
My UAC is SIPP and sending a classic call scenario: INVITE - ACK - BYE.
But i have some trouble to understand which queries should be loose
and which queries should be dispatched by dispatcher module.
Having a similar setup: -all messages not from the ipadresses of "Proxy Router/registrar" machines are DISPATCHed -everything else is loose_route()-ed
My first invite request has been dispatched to proxy B by proxy LB. After that, ACK and BYE request should be loose_routed or should be dispatched as other request ? My proxy B is a statefull proxy, logging
and other stuff ...
From my point of view, subsequent request should be loose_routed to keep dialog informations consistent. My subsequent requests have record-route headers. Should i use theses headers to route my calls ?
Yes, all subsequent message cvan be handled within dialog. Your config could be something really close to the basic kamailio config (with WITH_NAT defined)
request_route { route(REQINIT);
route(NATDETECT); route(WITHINDLG); if (is_method("INVITE|SUBSCRIBE")) { record_route(); } if(!is_in_subnet($si, "x.y.z.a/bc")) { add_path_received(); ds_select_dst(1, 0); t_on_failure("RTF_DISPATCH"); } else { remove_hf("Route"); loose_route(); } route(RELAY);
Loose routing features only work with "Route" header ? What is the difference beetwen Route headers and Record-route headers ?
I'll leave this answer to the experts :)
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