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It seems you are using the master branch (development version), which is not really recommended for production, unless it is exactly what you want.
So, either install version 5.1.x to use with the link I provided before or for master branch read the appropriate docs at:
There were changes in dispatcher from 5.1 to devel branch, using now xavps instead of avps.
Cheers, Daniel
On 13.07.18 09:59, Ne Mo wrote:
Thanks Daniel! I'm folow:
but my kamailio get errors: parameter <dstid_avp> of type <1> not found in module <dispatcher> parameter <attrs_avp> of type <1> not found in module <dispatcher> parameter <sock_avp> of type <1> not found in module <dispatcher> parameter <cnt_avp> of type <1> not found in module <dispatcher> I have no infor how to fix it Can you show me more detail about how to do: - *Fix error* * - Set the socket attribute to your private ip socket to do bridge from external to internal networks. * (just add to "attrs(str,opt)", and in my situation, it is my private IP of Kamailio server1 ? forexample: 1 sip:<PublicIP>:<Port> 0 0 duid=kamilioserver1;socket=<protocol>:<KamailioServer1_PrivateIP>:<Port>;my=xyz) (I don't understand what my=xyz mean..) * - Do i have to do something in Kamailio server2 and KamailioServer3 (or just create kamailio database each server and synchronyze kamailio database between them?)* *Thanks!*
And thanks Mojtaba! I had read your recomment tutorial with OpenSIP, but do not know how to apply to my system. Have you got an other more clearly tutorial for this?
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