Yes, I saw the event routes in new version and that seems relevant. Yes
deleting entries from hash table is definitely logical but what about hash
entries for calls which are in-call for like 4~10 hours !! will hashtable
delete those entries !
So I was thinking that I definitely need a mechanism in my hash table
entries to refresh which enteries have corresponding active calls (dialogs)
and which entries should be deleted as no call for them is found !
I simply can't depend on the expiry time of hased entries - that will
render the logic useless. Think of an entry which shouldn't be in the table
, an new call for that destination comes in and Kamailio will think that
(due to useless entry in h-table) destination is in call and lets not send
him any more calls !!
On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda(a)
> Hello,
> On 6/7/12 1:34 PM, SamyGo wrote:
> Hi,
> sure, I'll give that debug messages a try tonight, Also I was thinking of
> alternative approach and like you said, you are using htable. If I've to
> use that htable entry manually how do I make sure that any call data gets
> only deleted/erased after the call hangsup !? i.e I don't want the htable
> entry to get expired and removed automatically for a call length greater
> than 3 hours !!
> the call ends when the BYE is coming through, so at that time you can
> delete from htable -- if the BYE is missing, then the htable auto-expire
> will clean it (like dialog auto-expires will do it for dlg case).
> Just as side note, in 3.3.0, dialog module exports events routes executed
> when a call is started or ended, so you can do easier operations related to
> this events (e.g., no matter dialog is ended by a bye or timeout, you will
> get a specific event route executed), see:
> *
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> Thanks alot,
> Sammy
> On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 4:17 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <
> miconda(a)
>> Hello,
>> do you get any hints about what happens if you run with debug=3? When
>> dialog is deleted from database, is any other query sent to delete the
>> dialog vars? This features was not used by me so far, still relying on
>> htable for my needs of such cases.
>> You can send the logs here for troubleshooting.
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel
>> On 6/6/12 6:45 PM, SamyGo wrote:
>> Hi Sir,
>> I've used the funcation as you informed. *$dlg_var(incall) = $fU; * It
>> do insert my desired value into the dialog_var table but it don't gets
>> deleted on call hangup !
>> I'm executing this code in my ON_REPLY route:
>> onreply_route[REPLY_ONE] {
>> xdbg("incoming reply\n");
>> if(is_method("BYE"))
>> {
>> unset_dlg_profile("incall","$fU");
>> dlg_resetflag("4");
>> }
>> ....
>> Still I can't seem to erase the values :(
>> Please suggest.
>> Best Regards,
>> Sammy G.
>> On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 12:41 PM, SamyGo <govoiper(a)
>>> Thanks,
>>> The reason why I didn't scroll down to it was because it was not listed
>>> under the functions list. Thanks for this. I'll give it a try.
>>> Next question is, will the values stored in this dialog_vars be matched
>>> if I execute the function *is_in_profile("my-profile") ?*
>>> The problem with the alternative approach ,what I think, could be that
>>> I'd have to make sure that the required KVPs are stored in my hashtable
>>> the length of the call active.
>>> I'd definitely not want my configurations file to behave abnormally if
>>> the hastable entry value gets expired meanwhile the corresponding call is
>>> still active.
>>> Also Sir, I posted a previous email regarding the values not getting
>>> expired from "dialog" table even after the BYE !
>>> Thanks again,
>>> Regards,
>>> Sammy G.
>>> On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 12:02 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <
>>> miconda(a)
>>>> Hello,
>>>> to store in a value in a dialog_var record, you have to set a PV for it:
>>>> Alternative, you can use hashtable with a key composed from dialog id
>>>> (or callid) and some other string to identify your value.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Daniel
>>>> On 6/2/12 9:47 AM, SamyGo wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> I've two problems regarding dialog module- used for profiling users
>>>> that are in-a-call.
>>>> My topology is quiet simple.
>>>> SIP-USER-71141---->Kamailio------------->Asterisk[AGI]||
>>>> 1- I wish to store my custom SIP header value in profiles.
>>>> I'm having trouble in figuring out on how to use Dialog_vars table
>>>> my kamailio server. I'm using dialog module to profile SIP users that
>>>> in call or making a call. It works well and the dialog maintains an
>>>> when the call is established. Now, the difficult part is that I want my
>>>> custom header to be inserted into either dialog table or dialog_vars
>>>> such that when I do a query
"*is_in_profile("$avp(my_value)")*" it
>>>> returns me a result.
>>>> 2- Alternative to 1, I can log A,B leg separately but it doesn't
>>>> erase all data on call hangup.
>>>> Asterisk AGI changes the caller-id of SIP-USERA such that if it was
>>>> 71141 it would be something like "007" on its way out to
destination via
>>>> kamailio. Now, at this point in kamailio when the call is answered by
>>>> destination the dialog module saves the call data with values
>>>> to "007" and not "71141".
>>>> I have to disable the "dialog", "detect_spirals" in
order to count
>>>> this one call as two separate entities BUT problem occurs when on hangup
>>>> the B-Leg gets erased from the table but the A-leg remains in DB for as
>>>> long as infinity.
>>>> Please help me in this.
>>>> Let me know if more details are required from me.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Sammy G.
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing
>>>> --
>>>> Daniel-Constantin Mierla -
http://www.asipto.com!/miconda -
>>>> Kamailio Advanced Training, Seattle, USA, Sep 23-26, 2012 -
>>>> Kamailio Practical Workshop, Netherlands, Sep 10-12, 2012 -
>> --
>> Daniel-Constantin Mierla -
http://www.asipto.com!/miconda -
>> Kamailio Advanced Training, Seattle, USA, Sep 23-26, 2012 -
>> Kamailio Practical Workshop, Netherlands, Sep 10-12, 2012 -
> --
> Daniel-Constantin Mierla -
http://www.asipto.com!/miconda -
> Kamailio Advanced Training, Seattle, USA, Sep 23-26, 2012 -
> Kamailio Practical Workshop, Netherlands, Sep 10-12, 2012 -