htable module has been enhanced with couple of features that give more flexibility in working as config file cache system.
- auto-expire - to each value stored in hash table can be assigned an expire value. If no update was done in that time interval, the value will be automatically removed. One new pseudo-variable class has been added to manage the expire values: $shtex(htable=>key) - it can be used to get/set the time-out interval. To get this feature on, the hash table definition must include autoexpire attribute greater than 0.
- sht_rm_name_re(htable=>regexp) - delete from hash table all entries that match the name against regexp - sht_rm_value_re(htable=>regexp) - delete from hash table all entries that match the value (string) against regexp
- reload the content of a hash table from database at runtime upon MI command. The hash table definition must include the database table name, then you can issue: 'kamctl fifo sht_reload htname' to reload the hash table with name 'htname'.
Check the documentation at: http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/htable.html
Regards, Ramona