Try to understand it like this.
You have email address "My Name myname@email.domain". You have a account <account1> with ISP isp.domain. Now, to send mail, you are using your ISP's mail server as a gateway and they require you to authenticate first. So, you authenticate with account1@isp.domain to the mail server. But how does the email appears to come from? It's "My Name <>".
The same applies to SIP. You,, REGISTER to a SIP server and it requires you to authenticate first. The authentication ID is <msn1-12345678>. In effect, is the actual user and <msn1-12345678> is just used for authentication.
hm, strange, so i send "to:" with Authorization: DIGEST username="msn1-12345678" and then i am register with "12345" ?
serctl ul show 12345
200 OK sip:12345@;q=0.00;expires=3226
Should it not be a registration with username "msn1-12345678" ?
greets, Markus
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