The free size for private memory/pkg is getting low.
Set in kamailio.cfg:
memlog=1 mem_summary=8
Be sure that debug parameter is at least 1.
Restart kamailio and run the test again. When you get out of memory, stop kamailio (e.g., using: killall kamailio).
Look inside syslog file for the messages printed at the end. For each kamailio process, there should be a pkg summary -- messages can be mixed, so you can send all of them
To have lower number of process (which will probably result in faster consuming of memory), you can set children=2.
Cheers, Daniel
On 28/09/15 17:31, ycaner wrote:
{ entry: 1 pid: 12039 rank: 1 used: 13425600 free: 148336 real_used: 33406096 total_size: 33554432 total_frags: 20 }