
in onsend_route, the 'standard' message variables still point to incoming message structure. But you can see what is going to be sent out with $snd(buf).


On 04/12/15 14:28, Jurijs Ivolga wrote:
Hi all,

I opened a bug here:


But then I was advised to write to mailing list.

In nutshell:

I'm running Kamailio 4.3.3.

When I'm trying to update $ru, $fu & $fd in Kamailio conf:
$rU = "1000";
$fu = "sip:something@mydomain.com";
$fd = "newdomain.com";

And later I'm trying to print out $rU, $fu, $fU & $fd in onsend_route:

    xlog("ALERT: From URI $fu \n");
    xlog("ALERT: From domain $fd \n");
    xlog("ALERT: From user $fU \n");
    xlog("ALERT: Request user $rU \n");

Kamailio 4.3.3 prints out following:
ALERT: From URI sip:2000@some_ip
ALERT: From domain some_ip
ALERT: From user 2000
ALERT: Request user 1000

But I believe it should:

ALERT: From URI sip:something@mydomain.com
ALERT: From domain mydomain.com
ALERT: From user something
ALERT: Request user 1000

I'm using default Kamailio config with minor changes, you can check it in attachment.

Is it proper behavior?

Thank you!

With kind regards,


SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Daniel-Constantin Mierla
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Book: SIP Routing With Kamailio - http://www.asipto.com