
Kamailio is throwing error message from "parse_to.c" with status=6.  The source code shows status 6 as URI_ENCLOSED. 

However, tcpdump of the call does not show any enclosed angle bracket is missing.  (tcpdump pcap file is attached.)

Kamailio log
Jan  4 10:18:21 orl-ar-openser01 /usr/sbin/kamailio[2374]: ERROR: <core> [parser/parse_to.c:626]: ERROR: parse_to : unexpected char [#015] in status 6: <<<sip:2057030997@;tag=gK04001cd3>> .

FROM and TO in INVITE received by Kamailio
From: <sip:7272697443@>;tag=gK00d6c4e0
To: <sip:2057030997@>;tag=gK04001cd3

FROM and TO in INVITE forward by Kamailio for the same call
From: <sip:7272697443@>;tag=gK00d6c4e0
To: <sip:2057030997@\000\000>;tag=gK04001cd3

PS: this error message is happening on all 4 kamailio servers (3.3.0)
PS: call failure only happens in re INVITE (call stays active longer than 15 min)

Your help would be appreciated. 