At 03:21 PM 3/9/2005, Jan Janak wrote:
On 09-03 14:59, Nils Ohlmeier wrote:
You can test for an INVITE coming from cisco and set an onreply_route. In the onreply_route you can do something like:
if (status =~ "2[0-9][0-9]") { remove_hf("Session-Expires"); append_hf("Session-Expires: 120;refresher=UAC\r\n"); };
But that is actually a vialoation of the Session-Timer draft: the proxy is not allowed to change (or add) the refresher in the Session-Expires header. Just adding a Session-Expires header to the reply, if it is not present, should be sufficient for any implementation which is fully compliant to the latest Session-Timer draft.
As I said this is the approach that works with cisco gateways.
Other gateway with which it is known to work is Sonus.