Make sure you have logic before location lookup that distinguishes the multi domains and looks up with the caller's domain, and ofcourse you have to have multi-domain enabled.
On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 11:43 PM, Kalala Alexander klistrod@yandex.ru wrote:
Tried to make multitent authorization by Radius, for instructions: http://kb.asipto.com/freeswitch:kamailio-3.1.x-freeswitch-1.0.6d-sbc
But when calling subscriber 201@domain1.com, Kamailio calls to all subscribers: 201@domain1.com and 201@domain2.com and 201@domain3.com
FreeSwitch the call to only one subscriber.
What can I change?
*-- С уважением* *Инженер по телекоммуникациям * *Калала Александр * *vel: 375291146285* *life: 375256819996*
*skype: klistrod*
*VoIP Network EngineerdCAP, CCNAVoiceKalala Alexander* http://callcenters.by/ http://skytel.by/ http://voiplab.by/ http://asterisk-pbx.by/
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