Hi All

I need to develop a module which will do some filtering tasks. Please suggest me how this module is going to be integrated with SER (ser.cfg).



Kamal Mann

From: Greger V. Teigre [mailto:greger@teigre.com]
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 3:22 PM
To: Mann, Kamal
Cc: serusers@iptel.org
Subject: Re: [Serusers] SIP to AS communication


Others have commented on SER as CSCF. Without addressing the full shebang of what IMS implies for SIP support, your specific requirements below could very well be handled by user_preferences table and avpops (in 0.9, in 0.10 you have more flexibility and options).

Kamal.Mann@t-systems.com wrote:

Hi All
We are using SER as CSCF which communicates with HSS and Application Server. 
§       Whenever a UA sends a request to SER then it should go to some specific table and look for services assigned to that particular UA. 
§       If UA is authorize to use that service than SER send this to AS. 
§       AS then send this request/response to Serving SER (S-CSCF) which further serves that UA.
I need your suggestions for the same that what kind of module we need to develop for this scenario or any valuable suggestions. 
Thanks in anticipation
Kamal Mann

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