On Wednesday 07 January 2009, Juan Asencio wrote:
I found this in a post that I include at the end of
this message, but
the part that I want to ask about is this one:
"You can put all the carriers under the same table and prioritize the
gateway based on domains. Like tis you don't need to hardcode
anything in the config file"
If I do this, do I need to prioritize the gateways on the subscriber
table and if is there, how do I do it for the domain, when it is only a
cr_preferred_carrier field?
Hi Juan,
you don't need to combine all carriers together. If you want to priorize over
different carriers, then i'd suggest you also use them in cr. For example
something like this:
- carrier premium; domain 0, 1, 2; GWs a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3..
- carrier standard; domain 0, 1, 2; GWs A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3..
Then you could use different domains to implement your failover over the
different GWs. And also of course do your prefix matching to route your calls
to the best GW.
If you want to use only one carrier, then you also could just load the domain
with DB avpops from some table, and just give the AVP to the cr_route
function. You don't need to use the cr_user_carrier function, this is
provided mainly for convinience and backward compatiblity.