We are currently using the dispatcher module and probing end points with OPTIONS, and making them active / inactive depending on the response:
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_method", "OPTIONS") modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_reply_codes", "class=2;class=3;code=404") modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_from", "[REDACTED]") modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_interval", 20) modparam("dispatcher", "ds_probing_threshold", 1) modparam("dispatcher", "ds_probing_mode", 1)
One of our suppliers endpoints doesn't respond to SIP OPTIONS, is it possible to force a single endpoint as active, but continue probing the rest?
I've tried various settings - both globally and flags for the individual end point, but I couldn't seem to find the correct combination.