On 9/22/10 12:55 AM, IƱaki Baz Castillo wrote:
2010/9/21 dotnetdub<dotnetdub(a)gmail.com>om>:
This substitution works fine but when I read $pU
it still has the leading 0
Yes, the change is just applied when the message leaves
the proxy.
... and if one needs the change to be visible in the config before
sending to network, then use (carefully, not extensively)
msg_apply_changes() -- function in textops module from version 3.0+
What is the best way to achieve what I'm
trying to do?
I recommedn you to first delete the PPI header with
hf_remove("P-Preferred-Identity") and later generate your own PPI
header (hf_append) by reading the content of $pu (which still has the
original value arrived to the proxy).