Hello all,
I have a problem when I try to cancel an invite,
because I have modified the invite method.
In my ser.cfg:
if ((method=="INVITE")&&(!lookup("location"))) {
   exec_msg("printenv SRCIP; /bin/bash /usr/local/ser_snapshot/sbin/sms");
   sl_send_reply("100", "Trying");
   exec_msg("sleep 10");
   if (!lookup("location")){
     sl_send_reply("100", "Trying");
     exec_msg("sleep 10");
   } else {
   if (!lookup("location")){
     sl_send_reply("100", "Trying");
     exec_msg("sleep 10");
   } else {
   if (!lookup("location")){
     sl_send_reply("404", "Not on-line");
   } else {
If I send an INVITE to user2, who is off-line, SER sends a SMS to this user2 and meanwhile
, sends TRYINGS to me, until user2 sends a REGISTER.
I have a problem, because If I send a CANCEL, SER still sends TRYINGS
to me and SER doesn`t send "487 Request Terminated" and
SER doesn´t associate CANCEL and INVITE.
How can I solve this? any idea?
I think that maybe, If I use a mysql table to save CSEQ of CANCEL,
and before SER sends TRYINGS, SER checks if CSEQ is into table but
I don´t know if SER can save CANCEL information in a mysql table.
Could someone help me, please?
Thank you very much.


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