
for header body changes, one option is:

  * https://www.kamailio.org/docs/modules/stable/modules/textops.html#textops.f.subst_hf

But you have to be careful with URI parts, because they may not have enclosing <> and if you add a URI parameter, then you have to surround with <>, otherwise are considered header parameters.

Probably, for the case of Contact, I would go with building a new header using the {tobody} transformation, removing the old one.


On 15.11.20 23:59, Sergiu Pojoga wrote:
Hi there,

Does Kamailio have a function to add URI parameters? I looked around but couldn't find one. I refuse to believe Kamailio doesn't have one.

There's a add_uri_param(param), but that's strictly for R-URI. I need it for something else, Contact.


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