This is necessary for phones behind NAT. They often put IP and port which is not accessible from the public internet -- the phone is typically reachable only through the NAT-binding that was created during the registration process, that's the reason why SER rewrites the contact with the IP and port assigned by the NAT device.
You can fine-tune this behaviour in the configuration file. SER will rewrite the Contact header field only if it detects that the phone is behind NAT (either src IP and IP in via do not match or there is a RFC1918-style IP address).
On 17-10 10:34, Jakob Schlyter wrote:
when my phone sends the following REGISTER (from port 2084) to ser (0.8.14-2), ser will rewrite the contact before storing it into the location databases and ends up with "sip:;transport=udp;line=q67m1xq1". this is bad since the phone is not listening on port 2084 at all and INVITEs will not work.
as I understand, the rport is only significant per transaction and should not be applied to further signaling with the peer (such as INVITEs).
-- cut -- REGISTER SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK-n7jet4bj5ltt;rport From: "Jakob Schlyter";tag=anzeb3vn51 To: "Jakob Schlyter" Call-ID: 3c267007dbba-qq34p593v107@195-47-254-134 CSeq: 1 REGISTER Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: sip:jakob@;transport=udp;line=q67m1xq1;q=0.0 User-Agent: snom190-3.52 P-NAT-Refresh: 15 Supported: gruu Allow-Events: dialog X-Real-IP: Expires: 600 Content-Length: 0 -- cut --
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