Hi James
It should automatically re-use an existing TCP
Can you give an example?
After digging more in this issue, it looks like I found the solution:
Upon successful REGISTER authentication I do:
if ($proto != 'udp') {
tcp_keepalive_enable("60", "5",
"5"); # TCP KA once per minute
tcp_set_connection_lifetime("3605"); # Live for one
force_tcp_alias(); # Force traffic back on existing session
if ($avp(debug) > 0) {
xlog("L_INFO", "$cfg(route): KEEP ALIVE
engaged on $proto => ConID: $conid\n");
Especially force_tcp_alias() seems to make sure, communication TO the
CPE takes the existing TCP or TLS session towards the CPE and does not
create a new session.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
-Benoît Panizzon-
I m p r o W a r e A G - Leiter Commerce Kunden
Zurlindenstrasse 29 Tel +41 61 826 93 00
CH-4133 Pratteln Fax +41 61 826 93 01
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