Mikael A. Bjerkeland writes:
Sure, I can do this. Should the NAPTR record point to my FreeSWITCH server or OpenSER? If it points to OpenSER then I could just use dbaliases, right? Should the call be looked up with ENUM in OpenSER and then routed via FreeSWITCH? If so, how is this done?
you should decide if openser or freeswitch is the hub in your system. if openser, then make enum records point to it. if you just use freeswitch as pstn gws, then you could use lcr module to pick one for those destinations that are not local to openser. if also some users are behind freeswitch, then you need some means to figure out which ones. i don't use db modules myself, so i can't comment on that.
-- juha