I am using Kamailio versions 5.5.7 and 5.8.0 as a stateful proxy (with tm
module) and I want to have metrics for all
the SIP messages received and sent. I am using the statistics module for
counting messages.
I have in configuration file the following routes to capture events and
count them: onsend_route, onreply_route and event ( corex:reply-out,
tn:local_response, sl:local-response, tm:local-request, sl:filtered-ack and
I have found the following problems that I need some hints how to solve
1) When a response is received to a request, I can count the response
received in the reply_route
but I don't find a way that works to count the reply being forwarded to the
other side. onsend_route works fine
for requests being forwarded. Is there any event_route or any trick that
can be used to count the reply being
forwarded similar to the onsend_route for requests?
2) When Kamailio receives a CANCEL it generates and sends automatically the
200 OK for the CANCEL
and a 487 for the INVITE which started that dialog which is being
cancelled, but I don't find a way that works to count those two responses
Kamailio generates.
3) After having cancelled a dialog on one direction due to receipt of a
CANCEL, kamailio generates local requests on the other direction,
a CANCEL and an ACK also when it receives a 487 for the INVITE being
I don't find the way to count those. onsend_route does not work for
locally generated CANCEL and ACK requests and the
event_route[tm:local-request] only works for
requests created outside of the tm module but not those created by the tm
module itself (the CANCEL
and the ACKs) since the tm module is not using its own function
t_uac_prepare to create those requests
(that function is the one that calls the event_route). Is there any
statistic generated by the tm
module or elsewhere or any other trick so I can count those requests?
4) When Kamailio generates retransmissions how can I count those?
onsend_route, onreply_route and event ( corex:reply-out, tn:local_response,
sl:local-response) doesn't work for retransmissions. Are there statistics
generated somewhere in the tm module for retransmissions? Is there any
other way to count those.
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