On 12.03.20 09:09, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:
DB access
works fine from K worker processes during the time when
insert is stuck in timer process.
Are new records inserted in acc table? I think
there are some
tools/commands for mysql to inspect the state a database table, check
acc table and missed_calls, if you also use this one.
Accounting records are
inserted without problems from other calls to the
same accounting table where the timer process tries to insert its
record but hangs.
Try to install debugging symbols for libmariadb and maybe there will be
more hints in the backtace of what it does internally, which can improve
troubleshooting by searching on the web for similar cases.
And, as I said in previous email, try to investigate the status of mysql
server with specific commands and tools, if you can find any out there.
From mysql client API, we set the query timeout
Otherwise, I haven't encountered such a situation yet to have any other
hint to share specific for it.
Maybe you can try to use IP sockets for connecting to mysql server, if
the connection is done over unixsocket file. In some older versions, it
was mentioned that timeout options may not work if not on an IP connection.
What you can also try, is to change the database table type. What do you
have now, MyISAM, InnoDB or something else?
To know better the ecosystem, what is the operation system and
mysq/mariadb versions?
Daniel-Constantin Mierla --
www.twitter.com/miconda --
Kamailio World Conference - April 27-29, 2020, in Berlin --