Again, the question has to be asked: why do you want to rewrite the Contact header? And is
there a better way to accomplish what you are trying to accomplish?
Contact is constructed by the endpoints, not the proxy. Touching it is almost never a good
Where Contact is statefully rewritten by the topology hiding modules, touching it is also
not a good idea.
It’s just not a good idea.
Sent from mobile, with due apologies for brevity and errors.
On Apr 7, 2020, at 2:29 AM, Mack Hendricks
<mack(a)> wrote:
Hey All,
I always have issues with substituting out header values. I’ve tried subst and subst_hf.
Here is the value that I want to change out:
And this is what I want it to be
I’m using this
subst('/^Contact: <sip:(.*);(.*)>$/Contact:
And it doesn’t work, but putting into a online regular expression tester it looks good as
shown below. Any ideas?
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