I can access location data presents only in the memory. Now, next step is using $(ulc(contacto=>socket)) to decide which kamailio have to process the call.
Thank you
--- I'm SoCIaL, MayBe
El 30/07/2021 a las 11:51 a. m., Henning Westerholt escribió:
just quickly looked in the registrar code, it uses the standard usrloc functions to get data from memory or database.
Maybe just give it a try, I think it should work also in in-memory/dmq mode.
*From:* sr-users *On Behalf Of *Social Boh *Sent:* Friday, July 30, 2021 6:42 PM *To:* Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List *Subject:* Re: [SR-Users] Access via script to location data in the memory
reg_fetch_contacts use a table (I understood) to looking for data about a user.
I'm using USRLOC module without database.
I'm SoCIaL, MayBe
El 30/07/2021 a las 11:18 a. m., Henning Westerholt escribió:
Hello, have you looked to the reg_fetch_contact as already pointed out? Then you can access e.g. the socket with the $ulc PV, see the end of the registrar docs for an example. Cheers, Henning -- Henning Westerholt – <> Kamailio services – <> *From:* sr-users <> <> *On Behalf Of *Social Boh *Sent:* Friday, July 30, 2021 6:11 PM *To:* Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List <> <> *Subject:* Re: [SR-Users] Access via script to location data in the memory Hello, maybe is better I explain what I'd like to achieve: I have two Kamailio using DMQ and DMQ_USRLOC modules so each REGISTER is replicate on each Kamailio. I'm using DNS weight to distribute the REGISTERs between the 2 Kamailios. The only difference I have seen in the location data, with *kamctl ul show* command, is the Kamailio receives REGISTER have socket parameter with transport, ip, y port like udp: where is Kamailio public IP; the other Kamailio have this field empty. When a call arrive to one Kamailio, querying the Socket field I can known if I have to send the INVITE locally or forward the INVITE to second Kamailio. I don't know if there is other way to achieve this goal. I think PATH protocol not apply here because If I reply the REGISTER to the second Kamailio adding path header, I don't need DMQ_USRLOC. The idea is to take advantage of using these DMQ related modules. Regards --- I'm SoCIaL, MayBe El 29/07/2021 a las 5:16 p. m., Henning Westerholt escribió: Hello, There are different functions in the registrar module, check them out: <> reg_fetch_contacts(..) might be something you could use. Cheers, Henning