Yeah, Juha's suggestion worked perfectly.  As soon as I moved the force_send_socket() call into branch_route everything started working.


On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 5:20 AM, Klaus Darilion <> wrote:
IIRC force_send_socket operates on "branch[0]". Now it depends how the the new branch is added, e.g. if send--socket properties are copied into new branch or not. IRRC there were some changes either in 1.5 or 3.0.

You can also access a branch's aprameter directly:

or try Juha's suggestion with branch_route


Am 28.06.2010 19:08, schrieb Geoffrey Mina:
I am having an issue with 1.5.4 where force_send_socket() isn't behaving
as I would expect.

I have an LCR scenario where depending on which gateway I am sending to,
I send from a different socket.

It appears that calling force_send_socket from failure_route has no
affect on the routing.  In my initial route block I call
force_send_socket(X.X.X.180:5060).  In my failure_route I am calling
force_send_socket(X.X.X.179:5060), yet after calling the subsequent
time, my sip trace and tcpdump are clearly showing kamailio is still
sending from X.X.X.180:5060.

I have added a lot of debug lines, so I am 100% sure the second call to
force_send_socket is happening.

Am I misusing this module in some way?

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