Copy the list!
I don't understand your problem. The BYE will be caught by the loose route section of
the config and relayed. The standard getting started should work fine.
------- Original message -------
From: flavio <flavio.patria(a)>
Sent: 12.5.'07, 15:09
2007/5/12, Greger V. Teigre
SER doesn't reply 200 OK to BYE message, the SIP UA does that. So, you
are fine, the BYE reaches the UA.
That's right.
If my gateway send INVITE message to SER, it does proxy it to UAC reached!
So UAC (SIP Phone) and Gateway (UAC in SIP scenario) are involved in a
media session.
If my gateway send BYE message to SER, it does not proxy it to UAC.
So I could send reply (200 OK) to Gateway (It works fine, but is not
solution!), but I cannot proxy BYE to UAC.
How can proxy this?