On 09-03 14:59, Nils Ohlmeier wrote:
You can test for an INVITE coming from cisco and set an onreply_route. In the onreply_route you can do something like:
if (status =~ "2[0-9][0-9]") { remove_hf("Session-Expires"); append_hf("Session-Expires: 120;refresher=UAC\r\n"); };
But that is actually a vialoation of the Session-Timer draft: the proxy is not allowed to change (or add) the refresher in the Session-Expires header. Just adding a Session-Expires header to the reply, if it is not present, should be sufficient for any implementation which is fully compliant to the latest Session-Timer draft.
As I said this is the approach that works with cisco gateways. I have no idea what is the latest revision of the draft and I do not think it really matters here, becuase the communication between the proxy and the gateway is all internal.
This is one particular example that works with cisco, nothing less nothing more.
Greetings Nils
which "emulates" session-timer support in the user agent that sent 200 OK. After receiving such a reply, the cisco gateway would keep sending re-INVITEs.