0(0) DEBUG: init_mod: lcr 0(0) lcr - initializing 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) find_export: found in module tm [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so] 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 6) called from db/db.c: bind_dbmod(69) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 8) returns address 0x8133ae0 frag. 0x8133ac8 (size=8) on 1 -th hit 0(0) find_mod_export: found in module mysql [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/mysql.so] 0(0) find_mod_export: found in module mysql [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/mysql.so] 0(0) find_mod_export: found in module mysql [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/mysql.so] 0(0) find_mod_export: found in module mysql [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/mysql.so] 0(0) find_mod_export: found in module mysql [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/mysql.so] 0(0) find_mod_export: found in module mysql [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/mysql.so] 0(0) find_mod_export: found in module mysql [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/mysql.so] 0(0) find_mod_export: found in module mysql [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/mysql.so] 0(0) find_mod_export: found in module mysql [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/mysql.so] 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 12) called from dbase.c: db_init(253) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 12) returns address 0x8133b18 frag. 0x8133b00 (size=12) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 38) called from my_id.c: new_my_id(53) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 40) returns address 0x8133b54 frag. 0x8133b3c (size=40) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 36) called from my_id.c: new_my_id(60) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 36) returns address 0x8133bac frag. 0x8133b94 (size=36) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 6) called from my_id.c: new_my_id(73) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 8) returns address 0x8133c00 frag. 0x8133be8 (size=8) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 10) called from my_id.c: new_my_id(82) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 12) returns address 0x8133c38 frag. 0x8133c20 (size=12) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 10) called from my_id.c: new_my_id(91) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 12) returns address 0x8133c74 frag. 0x8133c5c (size=12) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 4) called from my_id.c: new_my_id(105) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 4) returns address 0x8133cb0 frag. 0x8133c98 (size=4) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133b54), called from my_id.c: new_my_id(112) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133b3c alloc'ed from my_id.c: new_my_id(53) 0(0) get_connection(): Connection not found in the pool 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 28) called from my_con.c: new_connection(50) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 28) returns address 0x8133b54 frag. 0x8133b3c (size=40) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 496) called from my_con.c: new_connection(59) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 496) returns address 0x8133e00 frag. 0x8133de8 (size=496) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 20) called from res.c: new_result(199) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 20) returns address 0x8133ce4 frag. 0x8133ccc (size=20) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 4) called from res.c: get_columns(58) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 4) returns address 0x8133d28 frag. 0x8133d10 (size=4) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 4) called from res.c: get_columns(64) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 4) returns address 0x8133d5c frag. 0x8133d44 (size=4) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 8) called from res.c: convert_rows(152) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 8) returns address 0x8133d90 frag. 0x8133d78 (size=8) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 16) called from row.c: convert_row(52) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 16) returns address 0x8134020 frag. 0x8134008 (size=16) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133d28), called from res.c: free_columns(187) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133d10 alloc'ed from res.c: get_columns(58) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133d5c), called from res.c: free_columns(188) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133d44 alloc'ed from res.c: get_columns(64) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8134020), called from row.c: free_row(83) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8134008 alloc'ed from row.c: convert_row(52) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133d90), called from res.c: free_rows(129) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133d78 alloc'ed from res.c: convert_rows(152) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133ce4), called from res.c: free_result(249) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133ccc alloc'ed from res.c: new_result(199) 0(0) release_connection(): Removing connection from the pool 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133c00), called from my_id.c: free_my_id(153) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133be8 alloc'ed from my_id.c: new_my_id(73) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133c38), called from my_id.c: free_my_id(154) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133c20 alloc'ed from my_id.c: new_my_id(82) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133c74), called from my_id.c: free_my_id(155) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133c5c alloc'ed from my_id.c: new_my_id(91) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133cb0), called from my_id.c: free_my_id(156) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133c98 alloc'ed from my_id.c: new_my_id(105) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133bac), called from my_id.c: free_my_id(157) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133b94 alloc'ed from my_id.c: new_my_id(60) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133e00), called from my_con.c: free_connection(95) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133de8 alloc'ed from my_con.c: new_connection(59) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133b54), called from my_con.c: free_connection(97) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133b3c alloc'ed from my_con.c: new_connection(50) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133b18), called from dbase.c: db_close(284) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133b00 alloc'ed from dbase.c: db_init(253) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 12) called from dbase.c: db_init(253) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 12) returns address 0x8133b18 frag. 0x8133b00 (size=12) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 38) called from my_id.c: new_my_id(53) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 40) returns address 0x8133b54 frag. 0x8133b3c (size=40) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 36) called from my_id.c: new_my_id(60) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 36) returns address 0x8133bac frag. 0x8133b94 (size=36) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 6) called from my_id.c: new_my_id(73) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 8) returns address 0x8133c00 frag. 0x8133be8 (size=8) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 10) called from my_id.c: new_my_id(82) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 12) returns address 0x8133c74 frag. 0x8133c5c (size=12) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 10) called from my_id.c: new_my_id(91) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 12) returns address 0x8133c38 frag. 0x8133c20 (size=12) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 4) called from my_id.c: new_my_id(105) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 4) returns address 0x8133cb0 frag. 0x8133c98 (size=4) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133b54), called from my_id.c: new_my_id(112) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133b3c alloc'ed from my_id.c: new_my_id(53) 0(0) get_connection(): Connection not found in the pool 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 28) called from my_con.c: new_connection(50) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 28) returns address 0x8133b54 frag. 0x8133b3c (size=40) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 496) called from my_con.c: new_connection(59) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 496) returns address 0x8133e00 frag. 0x8133de8 (size=496) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 20) called from res.c: new_result(199) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 20) returns address 0x8133ce4 frag. 0x8133ccc (size=20) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 4) called from res.c: get_columns(58) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 4) returns address 0x8133d5c frag. 0x8133d44 (size=4) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 4) called from res.c: get_columns(64) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 4) returns address 0x8133d28 frag. 0x8133d10 (size=4) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 8) called from res.c: convert_rows(152) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 8) returns address 0x8133d90 frag. 0x8133d78 (size=8) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 16) called from row.c: convert_row(52) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 16) returns address 0x8134020 frag. 0x8134008 (size=16) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133d5c), called from res.c: free_columns(187) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133d44 alloc'ed from res.c: get_columns(58) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133d28), called from res.c: free_columns(188) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133d10 alloc'ed from res.c: get_columns(64) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8134020), called from row.c: free_row(83) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8134008 alloc'ed from row.c: convert_row(52) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133d90), called from res.c: free_rows(129) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133d78 alloc'ed from res.c: convert_rows(152) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133ce4), called from res.c: free_result(249) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133ccc alloc'ed from res.c: new_result(199) 0(0) release_connection(): Removing connection from the pool 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133c00), called from my_id.c: free_my_id(153) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133be8 alloc'ed from my_id.c: new_my_id(73) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133c74), called from my_id.c: free_my_id(154) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133c5c alloc'ed from my_id.c: new_my_id(82) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133c38), called from my_id.c: free_my_id(155) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133c20 alloc'ed from my_id.c: new_my_id(91) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133cb0), called from my_id.c: free_my_id(156) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133c98 alloc'ed from my_id.c: new_my_id(105) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133bac), called from my_id.c: free_my_id(157) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133b94 alloc'ed from my_id.c: new_my_id(60) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133e00), called from my_con.c: free_connection(95) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133de8 alloc'ed from my_con.c: new_connection(59) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133b54), called from my_con.c: free_connection(97) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133b3c alloc'ed from my_con.c: new_connection(50) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133b18), called from dbase.c: db_close(284) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133b00 alloc'ed from dbase.c: db_init(253) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 16) called from fifo_server.c: register_fifo_cmd(133) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 16) returns address 0x8134020 frag. 0x8134008 (size=16) on 1 -th hit 0(0) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (lcr_reload) registered 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 16) called from fifo_server.c: register_fifo_cmd(133) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 16) returns address 0x8133ce4 frag. 0x8133ccc (size=20) on 1 -th hit 0(0) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (lcr_dump) registered 0(0) qm_malloc(0x4212f000, 264) called from lcr_mod.c: mod_init(382) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x4212f000, 264) returns address 0x422e6b78 frag. 0x422e6b60 (size=264) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x4212f000, 264) called from lcr_mod.c: mod_init(388) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x4212f000, 264) returns address 0x422e6cb0 frag. 0x422e6c98 (size=264) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x4212f000, 4) called from lcr_mod.c: mod_init(397) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x4212f000, 4) returns address 0x422e6de8 frag. 0x422e6dd0 (size=4) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 12) called from dbase.c: db_init(253) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 12) returns address 0x8133b18 frag. 0x8133b00 (size=12) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 38) called from my_id.c: new_my_id(53) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 40) returns address 0x8133b54 frag. 0x8133b3c (size=40) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 36) called from my_id.c: new_my_id(60) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 36) returns address 0x8133bac frag. 0x8133b94 (size=36) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 6) called from my_id.c: new_my_id(73) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 8) returns address 0x8133c00 frag. 0x8133be8 (size=8) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 10) called from my_id.c: new_my_id(82) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 12) returns address 0x8133c38 frag. 0x8133c20 (size=12) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 10) called from my_id.c: new_my_id(91) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 12) returns address 0x8133c74 frag. 0x8133c5c (size=12) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 4) called from my_id.c: new_my_id(105) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 4) returns address 0x8133cb0 frag. 0x8133c98 (size=4) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133b54), called from my_id.c: new_my_id(112) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133b3c alloc'ed from my_id.c: new_my_id(53) 0(0) get_connection(): Connection not found in the pool 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 28) called from my_con.c: new_connection(50) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 28) returns address 0x8133b54 frag. 0x8133b3c (size=40) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 496) called from my_con.c: new_connection(59) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 496) returns address 0x8133e00 frag. 0x8133de8 (size=496) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 20) called from res.c: new_result(199) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 20) returns address 0x8134060 frag. 0x8134048 (size=20) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 8) called from res.c: get_columns(58) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 8) returns address 0x8133d90 frag. 0x8133d78 (size=8) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 8) called from res.c: get_columns(64) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 8) returns address 0x8133dc8 frag. 0x8133db0 (size=8) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 16) called from res.c: convert_rows(152) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 16) returns address 0x81340a4 frag. 0x813408c (size=16) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 32) called from row.c: convert_row(52) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 32) returns address 0x81340e4 frag. 0x81340cc (size=32) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 32) called from row.c: convert_row(52) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 32) returns address 0x8134134 frag. 0x813411c (size=32) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133d90), called from res.c: free_columns(187) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133d78 alloc'ed from res.c: get_columns(58) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133dc8), called from res.c: free_columns(188) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133db0 alloc'ed from res.c: get_columns(64) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x81340e4), called from row.c: free_row(83) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x81340cc alloc'ed from row.c: convert_row(52) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8134134), called from row.c: free_row(83) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x813411c alloc'ed from row.c: convert_row(52) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x81340a4), called from res.c: free_rows(129) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x813408c alloc'ed from res.c: convert_rows(152) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8134060), called from res.c: free_result(249) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8134048 alloc'ed from res.c: new_result(199) 0(0) release_connection(): Removing connection from the pool 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133c00), called from my_id.c: free_my_id(153) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133be8 alloc'ed from my_id.c: new_my_id(73) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133c38), called from my_id.c: free_my_id(154) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133c20 alloc'ed from my_id.c: new_my_id(82) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133c74), called from my_id.c: free_my_id(155) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133c5c alloc'ed from my_id.c: new_my_id(91) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133cb0), called from my_id.c: free_my_id(156) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133c98 alloc'ed from my_id.c: new_my_id(105) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133bac), called from my_id.c: free_my_id(157) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133b94 alloc'ed from my_id.c: new_my_id(60) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133e00), called from my_con.c: free_connection(95) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133de8 alloc'ed from my_con.c: new_connection(59) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133b54), called from my_con.c: free_connection(97) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133b3c alloc'ed from my_con.c: new_connection(50) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133b18), called from dbase.c: db_close(284) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133b00 alloc'ed from dbase.c: db_init(253) 0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/maxfwd.so mf_process_maxfwd_header 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8131968), called from maxfwd.c: fixup_maxfwd_header(122) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8131950 alloc'ed from cfg.lex: addstr(572) 0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/sl.so sl_send_reply 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8131ba0), called from sl.c: fixup_sl_send_reply(144) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8131b88 alloc'ed from cfg.lex: addstr(572) 0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/sl.so sl_send_reply 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8131ee4), called from sl.c: fixup_sl_send_reply(144) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8131ecc alloc'ed from cfg.lex: addstr(572) 0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/rr.so loose_route 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 32) called from route.c: fix_expr(111) 0(0) qm_malloc(0x80fc480, 32) returns address 0x8134134 frag. 0x813411c (size=32) on 1 -th hit 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8132234), called from route.c: fix_expr(125) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x813221c alloc'ed from cfg.lex: addstr(572) 0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/lcr.so load_gws 0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/sl.so sl_send_reply 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8132750), called from sl.c: fixup_sl_send_reply(144) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8132738 alloc'ed from cfg.lex: addstr(572) 0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/lcr.so next_gw 0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/sl.so sl_send_reply 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8132bd8), called from sl.c: fixup_sl_send_reply(144) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8132bc0 alloc'ed from cfg.lex: addstr(572) 0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so t_relay 0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/sl.so sl_reply_error 0(0) INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is initially 65535 0(0) DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 131070 0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=131070,verify=131070 0(0) DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 262140 0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=262140,verify=131070 0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF has no effect 0(0) DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 133118 0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=133118,verify=131070 0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF has no effect 0(0) INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is finally 131070 0(0) ERROR: tcp_init: bind(5, 0x8130b14, 16) on Address already in use 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x81314cc), called from sr_module.c: destroy_modules(357) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x81314b4 alloc'ed from sr_module.c: register_module(136) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x81313dc), called from sr_module.c: destroy_modules(357) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x81313c4 alloc'ed from sr_module.c: register_module(136) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x81312ec), called from sr_module.c: destroy_modules(357) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x81312d4 alloc'ed from sr_module.c: register_module(136) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x81311fc), called from sr_module.c: destroy_modules(357) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x81311e4 alloc'ed from sr_module.c: register_module(136) 0(0) qm_free(0x4212f000, 0x422e6b40), called from ul_callback.c: destroy_ulcb_list(75) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x422e6b28 alloc'ed from ul_callback.c: init_ulcb_list(50) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x813110c), called from sr_module.c: destroy_modules(357) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x81310f4 alloc'ed from sr_module.c: register_module(136) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x813101c), called from sr_module.c: destroy_modules(357) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8131004 alloc'ed from sr_module.c: register_module(136) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8130f2c), called from sr_module.c: destroy_modules(357) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8130f14 alloc'ed from sr_module.c: register_module(136) 0(0) DEBUG: tm_shutdown : start 0(0) DEBUG: unlink_timer_lists : emptying DELETE list 0(0) DEBUG: tm_shutdown : emptying hash table 0(0) qm_free(0x4212f000, 0x42166750), called from h_table.c: free_hash_table(309) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x42166738 alloc'ed from h_table.c: init_hash_table(323) 0(0) DEBUG: tm_shutdown : releasing timers 0(0) qm_free(0x4212f000, 0x422e67c0), called from timer.c: free_timer_table(551) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x422e67a8 alloc'ed from timer.c: tm_init_timers(515) 0(0) DEBUG: tm_shutdown : removing semaphores 0(0) qm_free(0x4212f000, 0x422e6780), called from lock.c: lock_cleanup(205) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x422e6768 alloc'ed from lock.c: lock_initialize(99) 0(0) DEBUG: tm_shutdown : destroying tmcb lists 0(0) qm_free(0x4212f000, 0x422e6b08), called from t_hooks.c: destroy_tmcb_lists(83) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x422e6af0 alloc'ed from t_hooks.c: init_tmcb_lists(58) 0(0) qm_free(0x4212f000, 0x422e6a88), called from t_stats.c: free_tm_stats(223) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x422e6a70 alloc'ed from t_stats.c: init_tm_stats(185) 0(0) qm_free(0x4212f000, 0x422e6a08), called from t_stats.c: free_tm_stats(225) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x422e69f0 alloc'ed from t_stats.c: init_tm_stats(178) 0(0) qm_free(0x4212f000, 0x422e6988), called from t_stats.c: free_tm_stats(227) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x422e6970 alloc'ed from t_stats.c: init_tm_stats(171) 0(0) qm_free(0x4212f000, 0x422e6930), called from t_stats.c: free_tm_stats(228) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x422e6918 alloc'ed from t_stats.c: init_tm_stats(163) 0(0) DEBUG: tm_shutdown : done 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8130e3c), called from sr_module.c: destroy_modules(357) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8130e24 alloc'ed from sr_module.c: register_module(136) 0(0) qm_free(0x4212f000, 0x4216605c), called from sl_stats.c: sl_stats_destroy(164) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x42166044 alloc'ed from sl_stats.c: init_sl_stats(179) 0(0) qm_free(0x4212f000, 0x4216671c), called from sl_funcs.c: sl_shutdown(99) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x42166704 alloc'ed from sl_funcs.c: sl_startup(82) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8130d4c), called from sr_module.c: destroy_modules(357) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8130d34 alloc'ed from sr_module.c: register_module(136) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8130c5c), called from sr_module.c: destroy_modules(357) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8130c44 alloc'ed from sr_module.c: register_module(136) 0(0) qm_free(0x4212f000, 0x42163474), called from tcp_main.c: destroy_tcp(1367) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x4216345c alloc'ed from tcp_main.c: init_tcp(1303) 0(0) qm_free(0x4212f000, 0x421634dc), called from tcp_main.c: destroy_tcp(1371) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x421634c4 alloc'ed from tcp_main.c: init_tcp(1326) 0(0) qm_free(0x4212f000, 0x4216450c), called from tcp_main.c: destroy_tcp(1375) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x421644f4 alloc'ed from tcp_main.c: init_tcp(1338) 0(0) qm_free(0x4212f000, 0x421634a8), called from tcp_main.c: destroy_tcp(1380) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x42163490 alloc'ed from tcp_main.c: init_tcp(1315) 0(0) qm_free(0x4212f000, 0x42163440), called from timer.c: destroy_timer(80) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x42163428 alloc'ed from timer.c: init_timer(57) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133718), called from timer.c: destroy_timer(89) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133700 alloc'ed from timer.c: register_timer(104) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x81335d0), called from timer.c: destroy_timer(89) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x81335b8 alloc'ed from timer.c: register_timer(104) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133aa0), called from unixsock_server.c: close_unixsock_server(652) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133a88 alloc'ed from unixsock_server.c: unixsock_register_cmd(673) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133a60), called from unixsock_server.c: close_unixsock_server(652) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133a48 alloc'ed from unixsock_server.c: unixsock_register_cmd(673) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133a20), called from unixsock_server.c: close_unixsock_server(652) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133a08 alloc'ed from unixsock_server.c: unixsock_register_cmd(673) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x81339e0), called from unixsock_server.c: close_unixsock_server(652) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x81339c8 alloc'ed from unixsock_server.c: unixsock_register_cmd(673) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x81339a0), called from unixsock_server.c: close_unixsock_server(652) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133988 alloc'ed from unixsock_server.c: unixsock_register_cmd(673) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133960), called from unixsock_server.c: close_unixsock_server(652) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133948 alloc'ed from unixsock_server.c: unixsock_register_cmd(673) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133920), called from unixsock_server.c: close_unixsock_server(652) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133908 alloc'ed from unixsock_server.c: unixsock_register_cmd(673) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133658), called from unixsock_server.c: close_unixsock_server(652) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133640 alloc'ed from unixsock_server.c: unixsock_register_cmd(673) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133590), called from unixsock_server.c: close_unixsock_server(652) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133578 alloc'ed from unixsock_server.c: unixsock_register_cmd(673) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133550), called from unixsock_server.c: close_unixsock_server(652) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133538 alloc'ed from unixsock_server.c: unixsock_register_cmd(673) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133510), called from unixsock_server.c: close_unixsock_server(652) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x81334f8 alloc'ed from unixsock_server.c: unixsock_register_cmd(673) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x81334d0), called from unixsock_server.c: close_unixsock_server(652) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x81334b8 alloc'ed from unixsock_server.c: unixsock_register_cmd(673) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133350), called from unixsock_server.c: close_unixsock_server(652) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133338 alloc'ed from unixsock_server.c: unixsock_register_cmd(673) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133ce4), called from fifo_server.c: destroy_fifo(158) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133ccc alloc'ed from fifo_server.c: register_fifo_cmd(133) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8134020), called from fifo_server.c: destroy_fifo(158) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8134008 alloc'ed from fifo_server.c: register_fifo_cmd(133) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x81338e0), called from fifo_server.c: destroy_fifo(158) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x81338c8 alloc'ed from fifo_server.c: register_fifo_cmd(133) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x81338a0), called from fifo_server.c: destroy_fifo(158) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133888 alloc'ed from fifo_server.c: register_fifo_cmd(133) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133860), called from fifo_server.c: destroy_fifo(158) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133848 alloc'ed from fifo_server.c: register_fifo_cmd(133) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133820), called from fifo_server.c: destroy_fifo(158) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133808 alloc'ed from fifo_server.c: register_fifo_cmd(133) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x81337e0), called from fifo_server.c: destroy_fifo(158) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x81337c8 alloc'ed from fifo_server.c: register_fifo_cmd(133) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x81337a0), called from fifo_server.c: destroy_fifo(158) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133788 alloc'ed from fifo_server.c: register_fifo_cmd(133) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133760), called from fifo_server.c: destroy_fifo(158) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133748 alloc'ed from fifo_server.c: register_fifo_cmd(133) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133618), called from fifo_server.c: destroy_fifo(158) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133600 alloc'ed from fifo_server.c: register_fifo_cmd(133) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133490), called from fifo_server.c: destroy_fifo(158) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133478 alloc'ed from fifo_server.c: register_fifo_cmd(133) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133450), called from fifo_server.c: destroy_fifo(158) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133438 alloc'ed from fifo_server.c: register_fifo_cmd(133) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133410), called from fifo_server.c: destroy_fifo(158) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x81333f8 alloc'ed from fifo_server.c: register_fifo_cmd(133) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x81333d0), called from fifo_server.c: destroy_fifo(158) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x81333b8 alloc'ed from fifo_server.c: register_fifo_cmd(133) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133310), called from fifo_server.c: destroy_fifo(158) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x81332f8 alloc'ed from fifo_server.c: register_fifo_cmd(133) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x81336d8), called from script_cb.c: destroy_script_cb(81) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x81336c0 alloc'ed from script_cb.c: register_script_cb(53) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133390), called from script_cb.c: destroy_script_cb(81) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133378 alloc'ed from script_cb.c: register_script_cb(53) 0(0) qm_free(0x80fc480, 0x8133698), called from script_cb.c: destroy_script_cb(83) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x8133680 alloc'ed from script_cb.c: register_script_cb(53) 0(0) qm_free(0x4212f000, 0x4216553c), called from main.c: cleanup(373) 0(0) qm_free: freeing frag. 0x42165524 alloc'ed from main.c: main(1534) 0(12257) shm_mem_destroy 0(12257) destroying the shared memory lock