I am using the dispatcher module with Kamailio as a front-end
Registrar/LB in front of a cluster of Asterisk boxes. I have come across
an issue with SUBSCRIBE messages not getting routed to the correct
server in the event that the phone endpoint's dispatch set is changed.
It will still go to the old server until such time as the phone is rebooted.
The reason this is happening is because the 200 OK in the response from
the Asterisk server has Contact set to its own IP:port and subsequent
in-dialog reSUBSCRIBE are sent with the original Asterisk ip:port in the
RURI. When Kamailio receives these reSUBSCRIBE it does not change the
RURI even though ds_select_dst is being called in the [WITHIN_DIALOG] route.
My feeling is I have two choices - either alter the Contact in the reply
from Asterisk, or, change the RURI manually on receipt of an in-dialog
Has anyone else come across this, or have advice on the best way to
handle this?