I'm using the methode handle_subscribtion for testing purposes. It's working, but the to-tag and from-tag in notify don't come up to our testing expectations:
- to will be put in from and a tag will be generated - from will be put in to including tag
but we need: the to- and from-tags in subscribe should be the from- and to-tags in notify, without generating a new tag or so - like shown above:
Request-Line: SUBSCRIBE .... Message Header Via: ... ... To: sip:xyz@blabla.com; tag=b27e1a1d33761e... From: JP <sip:abc@blabla.com; tag=3c85d92779ea08e ...
and notify should look like:
Request-Line: NOTIFY .... Message Header via: ... ... To: JP <sip:abc@blabla.com; tag=3c85d92779ea08e From: sip:xyz@blabla.com; tag=b27e1a1d33761e...
Is it possible to change the code and where do I have to change it?
thanks, Bin