Dear all,

I need some help with setting up our SERweb version 9.0.4 on Linux 2.6.9-34.0.2.ELsmp:  In SER HOWto Dan Austin wrote:

Following files
must be updated with this "new" path to the

   For these files the variable: $_PHPLIB["libdir"]
   "../../phplib/"; becomes
$_PHPLIB["libdir"] =

Does this mean I should substitute the path like this
"var/www/html/phplib/" or just modify the existing path like
this $_PHPLIB["libdir"]= "../../../phplib/"?  

Also, in SER HOWto Dan Austin wrote:

In the ./admin
directory edit the files acl.php, index.php,and users.php will need their
path to the forms library updated. For this example, add ../ to the
existing line

:require "../../../phplib/";

In my files acl.php, index.php,and users.php, there is no line
":require "../../../phplib/";".  Do
I need to add this line?  If so, where?  Does anyone out there
have these files so I can try and replicate for my site?  I also
need a sample config.php file.  I can not see any of the variables
mentioned in the documentation.


Ronald Otero