On 02/03/2010 04:44 PM, Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
This is a re-INVITE and the UA (MY_SBC_PROXY)
replies a 200 with the
natted Contact (as usual).
Then the PSTN_PROXY server creates the ACK by setting such private SIP
URI as RURI. This is incorrect, this RURI *MUST* be the remote target set
in the initial INVITE/200 (the Contact the UA received when the dialog
was established). This remote target cannot change within a dialog (as
Alex and me have explained in this thread).
I do not have statistics, but anecdotally speaking, I have encountered
this problem so often and had to work around it by re-fixing the Contact
in the sequential INVITE or reply to it that I did not even know it was
an incorrect behaviour! I suspect it is rather common.
I always fix Contact also for re-INVITE so I don't know about statistics :)
Iñaki Baz Castillo <ibc(a)aliax.net>