3. Two clients ClinetA and ClientB registered themselves to Kamailio.
4. After SIP negotiation (INVITE-200OK) each client learnt about below aliases.
Alias of ClientA:
Alias of ClientB:
So normally if ClientB wants to send SIP message to ClientA, SIP URI from ClientB looks like below
ACK sip:v9d0gtl6@q0lrdlj63pik.invalid;alias=;transport=ws SIP/2.0
4. Call is in a connected state.
Following is the issue.
i. Switchover (or network lost or reboot) at Kamailio happened
ii. Due to ping pong both the clients detected network loss individually and re-registered themselves.
iii. Aliases of both the clients got changed.
New Alias of ClientA:
alias= 58346
New Alias of ClientB:
alias= 58348
iv. But ClientB doesn’t know that ClientA also re-registered and ClientA’s alias got changed and vice-versa
v. Because of this ClientB still sends BYE with Initial alias
BYE sip:v9d0gtl6@q0lrdlj63pik.invalid;alias=;transport=ws SIP/2.0
Would like to know what is the recommended solution for this problem using alias or is it a limitation of using alias?
Thanks & Regards,