There is a mess with 'prefix' argument to 'make install' (as
suggested by INSTALL text) in stable CVS version. SER is installed in
correct place, but is still trying to search ser.cfg in
/usr/local/etc/ser/ by default.
This happens due to the fact that the default value of $prefix
(/usr/local) is used (CFG_DIR = $cfg-target = $prefix/$cfg-dir) during
compilation (when no prefix is given). So, installing to different
location with 'make prefix=xxx install' produces the mess.
Probably, the described issue affects other pieces of software.
Workaround: always use make command with your prefix=xxx argument,
i.e. $ make prefix=/my/prefix all; sudo make prefix=/my/prefix install
Could anybody fix the problem? (At least in INSTALL file.)