I am using postman for http hit.

I am using the below header and body:


{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "dispatcher.reload", "id": 1}

Kamailio.cfg started well, but the http hit is not invoking properly?

Thanks & Kind Regards,
Logeshwaran G

On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 8:02 PM, Sebastian Damm <damm@sipgate.de> wrote:
I'm afraid I have no idea what you are doing. You already had the
requests coming to your Kamailio this morning when you tried using
dispatch_rpc() inside your xhttp event route. You posted an error log

I don't know what the "http postman" is and what it does. All I know
is that my example code is coming from a Kamailio in my setup where it
is working.

I guess you need to use tcpdump or ngrep to see what's going on.


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