At 08:07 AM 12/3/2002, Dan Austin wrote: [...]
I've got a question I thought to send to the SERUsers list, but I'm not sure if enough people have signed up yet.
Don't worry -- all our developers are on the serusers list too. We just plan to shift the help from our developers to the SER community to have more cycles for development.
I have a Cisco 7940 that I've converted to SIP and can place calls from, both to PSTN numbers and to uri's registered with my server. The odd part is that the phone does not seem to request the presence feature, so I can not route calls to it.
Hmmm -- we only have 7960s in our labs but they should be similar and they work. You need to set up registrar, user name and credentials to be able to register.
If I call test@ the phone rings and the call can be completed. If I call, I get an immediate call rejected. Since the phone does not show up as online in MSN messanger, I suspect that the lack of presence is the problem. Any thoughts?
These are two different things: ability to register and ability to share current presence status. With 7960, you are able to register so that people can reach you at your current address. 7960 has no "presence disclosure" support -- if you want to see that the phone is on-line in your messenger, you will have to use a presence agent inbetween. We're working on it, but it is not currently part of SER.
The UsrLoc dump bellow shows a valid Test entry -- so the registration must have proceeded well. If you are not able to call the user test@yourdomain, the error will be probably somewhere else. Please send me your configuration file and network dumps (gained using e.g. ngrep utility) -- I'll be glad to review it.
I will try the users list, and Cisco as a last resort.
Thanks, Dan
Here is my serctl ul show results:
domain : 'location' aor : 'Test' Contact: 'sip:Test@' Expires: 1983 q : 0.00 Call-ID: '000a8a93-d466000b-389ca1b7-74778f1a@' CSeq : 101 State : CS_SYNC next : (nil) prev : (nil)