Hi guys,
I'm only just getting started with OpenSer 1.0.0 (from the tarball) and I'd like to use the dbtext option. However, it seems the sc.dbtext doesnt really generate good files. OpenSER reports:
0(0) AUTH module - initializing 0(0) AUTH_DB module - initializing
Content of [version] table_name(str) table_version(int) subscriber:3 location:6 aliases:6
Content of result table_version(int) 3
Content of result table_version(int) 6 0(0) register_udomain(): Invalid table version (use ser_mysql.sh reinstall) 0(0) domain_fixup(): Error while registering domain ERROR: error -1 while trying to fix configuration
I've used the template database files Daniel provided as well, they result in the same fault.
openser.cfg notes: modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2) modparam("auth_db", "calculate_ha1", yes) modparam("auth_db", "password_column", "password") modparam("auth_db", "user_column", "username") modparam("auth_db", "domain_column", "domain") modparam("usrloc|auth_db", "db_url", "dbtext:///ext/pbx/lib/openser/dbtext")
I'm probably using wrong database files, but I couldn't find any proper samples so far. Suggestions anyone ?
Thanks, Florian