is a good reference. Read examples, I think it was Matt who recommended (good advise): Start with an example, don't try to do a lot of things at once, but add a bit of functionality at the time.
Good way to think: All SIP messages will enter the top of the script (the main route). From there on, you can do a whole lot of things, but each SIP message is handled in a discrete fashion, you know nothing about previous messages. In order to know if a subscriber is registered, you use the save function for REGISTER messages. lookup will retrieve the info. Also, very limited info about the subscriber can be stored in the form of flags using the setflags function. In CVS ser (0.8.9), there is also support for attribute-value pairs that can be loaded/stored on a given subscriber. The SIP message will not "leave" ser until you execute a relay function (i.e. t_relay). Use break to stop processing a given message. Replies to such SIP message can be handled directly (without going through the main route) by using t_on_reply and t_on_failures and creating new sections that will be executed on these messages. The order of your tests will be very important. For example, the loose_route() call should be exactly where it is in the examples. Some messages with "pre-recorded" routes should just quickly be forwarded according to the route in the SIP header. If not, you will experience calls that end after a few seconds, or calls that are not set up at all.
A last advice: In order to do more than just copy an example, you need to understand the SIP message flows. is a good introduction. is more in-depth.
Good luck! g-)
murat inal wrote:
dear all,
i am an absolute newbie at SER, sorry if this is a more-than-essential question :)
what do we basically code in ser.cfg? is it a script language? how can i learn the syntax of the language?
and then we program SER with codes with remarks like "routing logic". how do we learn about the methods & functions used there?
checked for documentation (like ser_howto) from site, however they are inadequate?
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