Andres wrote:
Is there something basic I'm missing here? How have people made this configuration work? Is there anyone actual using nathelper/rtpproxy or mediaproxy in production?
We see this all the time. The only reliable way to make this work is to turn on the keep-alive on the UA so that it sends packets from the "inside" out to SER.
But what about phones that don't support UA keep-alives? Do you suggest that I put my re register period way down?
I wonder is it possible for ser to query the UA on an existing udp session, something like an options query, that will illicit a response from the UA. It may generate as much traffic as a register, but it would probably be less load on the server, so perhaps the lesser of two evils?
I would like to try and identify a solution based in ser, so I don't have to rely on every phone supporting keep alives or the nth feature.