module specific configuration files (like tls.cfg, dispatcher.list etc..) are usually in a special format that don’t allow the usage of “main” kamailio.cfg statements and variables etc..
If you want to use some templates, maybe using something like ansible is a way to go.
From: Aymeric Moizard via sr-users sr-users@lists.kamailio.org Sent: Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2024 13:53 To: Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List sr-users@lists.kamailio.org Cc: Aymeric Moizard amoizard@gmail.com Subject: [SR-Users] tls.cfg and configuration
Hi all,
I'm using a central file to define my kamailio cfg configuration.
First question:
In my main kamailio.cfg, I use:
include_file "kamailio-config.cfg" which contains: #!substdef "!MY_DOMAIN!kamailio.example.comhttp://kamailio.example.com!g"
I would like to use the same in tls.cfg which is defined this way:
modparam("tls", "config", "/etc/kamailio/tls.cfg")
but I get:
sr_cfg_parse(): tls.cfg:17:1: Unsupported option 'include_file'
Would you advise some way to achieve my goal: ie, I would like only one file to edit my configuration options which would have an effect on both kamailio.cfg and tls.cfg
Second question:
Can someone confirm that #!substdef will also not have any effect when used in tls.cfg
Thanks Aymeric
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