On Wed, May 23, 2007 at 09:26:05PM +0200, Jiri Kuthan wrote:
Hi Martin,
I would be eager to attend. Would you like to choose other day than Friday the 13th?
Not that I would be so superstitious (actuall the 13th is my favorite), it is just
that I will only be there Tuesday morning thru Thursday lunch time.
July will be much better. My point goes to this month.
At 09:17 22/05/2007, Martin Hoffmann wrote:
we are currently in the planning stage of the Second SER User Group
Meeting. We agreed back in Prague to try to have it in Oslo in summer
(no point in coming here in the dark season).
The preliminary date for the meeting is Friday, July 13, 2007. However,
since this is in the middle of the holiday seasons, I'd rather ask if
this suits you all or whether we should move it to September.
A more formal invitation will follow later.
Best regards,
Serusers mailing list
Jiri Kuthan
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