On 11.02.21 18:51, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Alex Balashov writes:
That is the main reason I had previously thought it wasn’t possible!
Have you changed your mind?
Probably you confuse the people, that blog post is from Henning, not from Alex ... or maybe you refer to another message from Alex and I am out of topic here.
Cheers, Daniel
The document
Change in your configuration the existing record_route() function call to this one:
record_route_preset("SBC-DNS-DOMAIN:5061;transport=tls", "SBC-IP-ADDR:5060");
but does not tell, how to change loose_route() so that it would work on the resulting Route headers.
It would be nice to learn the secret.
Even before the socket name, it was possible using other parameters in the record route to store information about what sockets to be used. The warning message can be disabled with "enable_socket_mismatch_warning" parameter for rr module, then use script operations to figure out the socket from the parameters you added.
Cheers, Daniel