Further trying to eliminate every possible cause of UDP drops...
We use Homer as HEP server in conjunction with the siptrace module.
So to prevent DQM traffic to be sent to Homer I added:
event_route[siptrace:msg] {
if(is_method("KDMQ")) {
And had a closer look to the traffic sent to homer.
I noticed, also xhttp:requests, as far as I see the replies, not the
requests, get mirrored to homer.
xhttp is not a sip method I could match I guess.
The event_route[siptrace:msg] docs state only method can be filtered.
So I can not filter requests on the separate http port I listen on for
xhttp json-rpc requests.
How can I prevent xhttp traffic to be mirrored to homer by the siptrace
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
-Benoît Panizzon-
I m p r o W a r e A G - Leiter Commerce Kunden
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