Hi, Iqbal:
In another word, I must use avpops module to refer usr_preferences and forward the call to next UA. Is it right? So, if the first UA is busy, I will receive a BUSY message. After this BUSY, ser will find the next UA to make call via usr_preferences.
Thank you very much, Iqbal.
On 5/6/05, Iqbal iqbal@gigo.co.uk wrote:
on server side use usr_preferences table, and set it value and attribute , and then in ser detect for the attribute eg callfwd, and the value should be the new address
On 5/5/2005, "Charles Wang" lazy.charles@gmail.com wrote:
On 5/4/05, Charles Wang lazy.charles@gmail.com wrote:
Hi, ALL:
If there are three UACs(1001, 1002, 1003) register on the same SER, and they are setting as the same group number for example "1000".
If another UAC make a call to 1001, and 1001 is buzy. The call will be transfer or forward to 1002 or 1003.
How to implement it? Does anybody have an idea/soluton for it?
Help me please.
Best Regards Charles
Best Regards Charles
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